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"Speech Learning Skill Training Project" awarded at Wofoo 3A Project 2018 of Asian Family Summit

Date: 05/12/2018

To raise the awareness of family health and sustainable social development in the Asian region, Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region Ltd. (CIFA), collaborate regularly with the Faculty of Social Science of the University of Hong Kong, Family Council, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Social Welfare Department to co-organise the Asian Family Summit. Wofoo 3A Project, one of the important exchange activities, has been held every two years since 2010, with aims to recognise creative approaches and models of family service so as to advocate, enhance or improve the quality of life and functions of Asian families.

This year, the conference has received 46 competing projects from different countries and regions. After rounds of selection, "Speech Learning Skill Training Project", developed by our District-based Speech Therapy Service, received three awards: “Silver Award of Wofoo 3A Project”, “My Favourite Project Award” and “The Best Collaborative Award”, in recognition of its professional effectiveness and as an affirmation by the industry.